This is a story of a little girl named Light, who lives in a sunny lighthouse with her father and a lovely seagull. He would do everything for her daughter, and she would do everything to be the perfect guardian he is. Same thing for the seagull, of course.
They lived a perfetc life. But perfect things never last, and life chose to separate them; one day the war called Light's father to a distant land, where nobody knew if he'd ever return.
She said goodbye to the ship that lead him to his new fate, and she had to prove herself that she could become the light keeper he taught her to be, somehow. She wasn't alone, as the seagull kept showing her everyday. And it was with her everytime that the sun rose from the shore, dreaming to see another light coming up from the ocean.
She never gave up; everyday she made a drawing for her father, putting it in a bottle that she left to the ocean.
And then, after months, that light came up from the waves: the ship of his father was coming back, lead by a strange, enormous sail which made it go faster....A sail made of all her drawings stitched together by his father!

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